Cybercrime is a hot topic these days – and for good reason.
The number of cyber attacks is growing, with hackers getting smarter and sneakier, devising new ways to attack people and businesses.
A cyber attack is an attempt to gain illegal access to a computer or computer system for the purpose of causing damage or harm.
Top 5 Types of Cyber Attacks
- Malware
- Viruses
- Ransomware
- Phishing
- Password hacking
As real estate agents, you’re just as vulnerable as big corporations of being the target of a cybercrime – maybe even more so if you don’t have the right safeguards in place.
A recent Forbes magazine article titled Why Running Your Real Estate Business In Spreadsheets And Hard Drives Is A Cybersecurity Risk highlights why even small business owners are targets of cyber attacks.
Cyber Risks
- Risk of financial loss
- Risk of business interruption
- Risk of central data/document compromise
- Information breach
- Reputation risk (loss of clients, etc.)
- Privacy liability
Cybersecurity – protecting your digital information and securing computer systems, including laptops and cell phones – is key to preventing cyber risks.
You’re only as strong as your weakest link; if you don’t take steps to protect yourself, you could be the next victim of a cybercrime.
REIX is working on how best to support subscribers with their cybersecurity.
The Real Estate Insurance Exchange (REIX) provides mandatory errors and omissions insurance to over 14,800 Alberta and Saskatchewan real estate industry members and nearly 1,200 brokerages. We’re dedicated to providing high value to our subscribers through exceptional claims, risk and financial management. Be sure to follow us on Facebook!